Joel Nelson                         e-mail:
158 Sherman Street               Cell:     518-986-6958
Schenectady, NY 12303        Work:   518-474-9986

Mathematics                            New York State Office of the State Comptroller
Originally from Schenectady NY. Moved to Seattle after graduation to work for Boeing Aerospace Company as a software engineer using FORTRAN form 1973 to 1977. Bought my first car, a 1974 Toyota Corolla, in April 1974. Went to get new glasses to help me get my Washington State drivers license and wound up being led to Jesus, thereby becoming a born-again son-of-God JesusBeliever, by my eye doctor, David Lamb, who had just gone to a Billy Graham crusade two weeks previously. Got baptized in the Holy Spirit at Faith Tabernacle in November 1974. Got baptized by full immersion in Lake Washington on January 25, 1975. Married Joann, whom I met at Brighton Presbyterian Church's Saturday night JesusBeliever coffeehouse, on August 20,1977. Drove a truck with two axles and six wheels to pick up supplies for E. C. Miller Co. from 1978 to 1981. Became father of David Samuel Nelson September 30, 1980. Moved back to Schenectady in June 1982 by shipping forty boxes via UPS, a guitar via Greyhound, and driving cross-country in the 1974 Toyota. Took over from my father the job of delivering the Highbridge Civic Association's newsletter to 800 houses ten times a year in 1982. Worked at Finserv Computer Corporation from 1982 to 1989, and at Brigar Facilities Management from 1990 to 1991, using COBOL, which I had taken two weeks of in the Computer Languages course at RPI. Learned C on the job at Consumer Buyline Inc. in 1992. Worked for New York State Department of Social Services, again using COBOL, from 1992 to 1995, the first 1½ months of which I was still at CBI, causing me to take many lunchtime naps. Began working for New York State Office of the State Comptroller on August 24, 1995, starting by installing forty-two 3½-inch diskettes of Lotus SmartSuite on PC's and threading network cables through the ceilings. Was an avid professional wrestling fan from 1996 to 2003. Invited in 2005 by the mother of a friend of my friend to the Thursday 7:30 pm prayer meeting at St Paul the Apostle's Roman Catholic Church, where I later began attending the Saturday 7:00 pm charismatic service and the Tuesday 7:30 pm praise meeting as well. Started handing out Bibles on CDTA's Bus 55 (Albany-Schenectady) in late 2006; the manager of the Dollar Tree store where I bought the Bibles told me of the Baptist church (Lighthouse Baptist) I now attend. Started a Monday night Bible study at Carman United Methodist Church in May 2008 in an attempt to keep the building from closing.

Health Update 18-jan-09

On the 13th I went to the orthopedic. He told me that I was not making enough progress towards the goal of full kneebendibility. He ordered me to henceforth use the foam brace only when putting weight on the leg, and gave me three sets of ten daily of another kneebend exercise, this one involving sliding the foot on the floor towards me while sitting, as far as tolerable, then holding there for ten seconds. It seems to be working. I did a set while waiting for my ride home. Once seated, I took off the brace and as a result was able to fit in the front seat of a tiny car.

A few days later, I noticed that I can now bend my knee far enough so that the two parts of my leg form an acute (less than 90 degrees) angle. Cute! Reaching this milestone rekindled the enthusiasm for exercise that had gone out for about a week, so I am now back to doing more than just the bare minimum of the assignments from the therapist and the orthopedic. For example, on the 17th I did twice the minimum of the therapist exercises, and thrice that of the orthopedic ones. The therapist minimum takes 28 minutes; the orthopedic, 12. (2 x 28) + (3 x 12) equals 90 minutes, or two gym classes. I see it as the school telling me that if I take two gym classes a day I can start Drivers Ed sooner.


                                                                 Joel and his 1992 Buick Century station wagon